Foundation Stage Overview
Foundation Stage Staff – led by Mrs Woodier
Reception: Mrs Guy, Mrs Smart, Mrs Bevan, Mrs Appleyard, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Bik-Elliott.
Nursery: Mrs Woodier & Mrs Guy.
We are so pleased to be welcoming all our new families to Wheatcroft School and our returning Nursery children into Reception. We are excited to start another school year and have really enjoyed planning the activities for our children.
This term our topic in EYFs is being me in my world! In this topic, we will be getting to know the children and their interests and learning about our new friends and teachers. Please see the curriculum map, which has more details of all the topics we are covering this term.
PE for Reception will be on Thursdays and on Monday afternoons, the children will be taking part in their weekly Learning Outside the Classroom sessions.
In Nursery, we will be settling in to our new classroom and meeting new friends. We will be listening to lots of stories about starting school.
PE for Nursery is on Tuesday and we will be beginning to change for PE after October half term.
A reminder that in EYFS we are often learning outside the classroom so please can you make sure your child wears a warm coat to school each day. It is also a great idea to check all your child’s uniform and coats are clearly named.
We look forward to working together with you over this new school year. Please remember to check Tapestry to see what your children have been learning, for home learning ideas and please add any pictures from your child’s learning or activities at home that we can share with the class.