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Key Stage 1 Overview

Key Stage 1 Staff – led by Mrs Koniotes

Year 1: Miss Lambert

Year 1/2: Mrs Smart & Mrs Koniotes

Year 2: Mr Griffin

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Beckett, Mrs Higgs, and Mrs Searle

Welcome back to the new term; we hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. We have many exciting things planned this term for your child. In Science and Geography, we will be learning all about seasonal change. We will be learning about the 4 seasons, the weather and how plants and animals adapt to these changes. We will also look at how the weather differs across the four capital cities within the UK. In Art, the children will be learning about mark making using a variety of different mediums. We will learn how to make marks using pencils, paint, chalk and string. In RE, we will be learning all about the Christian Faith, the children will learn about the story of creation and the Christmas Story. In Computing we will be looking at the technology the children use around school and at home they will learn about the safety features of these and how to stay safe online. In Design Technology, children will learn about moving features and how to create these using levers and sliders. They will use their chosen method to create a moving picture. In PSHE we will be thinking about our new classes, settling in and setting our dreams and goals for the year ahead. Finally, in PE we will be outside for games (weather dependent) and inside for dance. Your child should come to school on PE days dressed in their PE kits and appropriate layers for the ever-changing weather.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.