Upper Key Stage 2 Overview
Upper Key Stage 2 Staff – led by Mrs Levesley-Turner
Year 5: Miss Nicolau
Year 5/6: Miss Nunn
Year 6: Mrs Levesley-Turner
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Hobbs, Miss Sharpner and Mrs Standen
Welcome back to the Autumn term in Upper Key Stage 2. We hope you and your families have had a lovely Summer break and are looking forward to all the exciting opportunities this term will bring!
This term, one of our topics is ‘Space’. In Science, we will be focusing our learning on the solar system and the movement of the Earth and other planets in relation to the sun. We will also think about historical scientists and astronomers and their great discoveries. Our Art topic will complement our work on space, learning about the topic of retrofuturism and the ‘Space Race’ era, and in English, we will write non-chronological reports about our own invented planets.
In History, we will learn about the Anglo Saxons and the ‘Dark Ages’, and in Geography, we will consider how the UK has changed over time, using field work to support our learning. In Computing, we will turn our hand to film production and editing and in Design and Technology, we will get our taste buds dancing as we learn how to develop a well-known recipe.
In September, we are thrilled to be able to take the Year 5 children on the residential journey to Cuffley Active Learning Centre and later in the year, a particular highlight for the Year 6 children will be the residential trip to Norfolk Lakes.
PE for Year 6 and Year 5 will be on Monday and Thursday afternoons and in Year 5/6 will be on Thursday and Friday afternoons. We would like to remind you that all children should have indoor shoes and change these regularly and for those children walking home, a reminder they should not be using their mobile phones within school premises.
Homework will be set on Google Classroom on a Thursday, to be in for the following Tuesday, and any changes will be advised via Google Classroom. Spellings will be set weekly and tested on a Monday. Children are encouraged to read daily and we have a wide-range of books for them to choose from in school.
We look forward to working together with you over this new school year.