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School Council and Green Bees

Wheatcroft School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

Wheatcroft School Council Aims:

  • To make sure our school is a safe and happy place for children
  • To make sure that children have a place to voice their concerns
  • To encourage all children in the school to suggest improvements
  • To make sure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon
  • To support charities

Throughout the year, they take your views and ideas to meetings with Mrs Miller and Miss Clarke, and will help make decisions about the school.

Wheatcroft Green Bees

The green bees are very busy bees making sure  the recycling of white paper is done on a weekly basis and to make sure we are saving energy!

Are the lights being turned off in the classrooms?

Are you making sure that taps are turned off properly?

Are you switching off computer screens?