Wheatcroft opened fully as a County Primary School in September 1974. The building then contained space for seven classes and admitted approximately thirty children each year. A private nursery was opened on an adjacent part of the school site, and this eventually became a fully funded County nursery class.
Due to the school’s popularity, and to answer the demand for more primary places in the area, the school underwent a major expansion project. Work began in 1996 to convert Wheatcroft to a one and a half-form entry school, allowing it to take forty five children each year. A large extension was built which now houses the nursery and older children.
Wheatcroft School is a one and half form entry primary school with a nursery class. There is a maximum of 360 children on roll and class sizes are limited to thirty children.
The school is housed in an attractive modern building which stands in a generous playground and field area. We are very well provided with books, computers and all other educational equipment.
Parental interest in the school is strong. We have an active PTFA and there are many opportunities during the school year when parents can take a closer look at the achievements of their children and become more involved in school activities. These include open evenings, concerts, sports days, helping on school journeys and in the classrooms.
Children have a voice in the running of the school through the School Council.
We are pleased to announce that the school has recently been awarded the Arts Council England Artsmark, Silver Award for Eco-Schools and the International Schools Award.