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Class Organisation

As a Primary School Wheatcroft is organised in the following way:

Foundation Nursery


Older 3 and younger 4 year olds, part-time

Older 4 and younger 5 year olds, full-time

Key Stage 1 Year 1

Year 2

Around 6 years old

Around 7 years old

Lower Key Stage 2 Year 3

Year 4

Around 8 years old

Around 9 years old

Upper Key Stage 2 Year 5

Year 6

Around 10 years old

Around 11 years old

Being a one and a half-form entry school means we can take forty five children in each year group. The children are organised chronologically. In Reception the children are provisionally allocated to one of the two classes. The pattern established on admission means that children will progress through the school with children of their own age, normally in a class with less than a chronological year between them.

The organisation pattern for 1½ forms of entry:

Foundation Nursery approximately 45 half time places
Reception 1 Reception 2
KS1 Year 2 Year 1/2 Year 1
Lower KS2 Year 4 Year 3/4 Year 3
Upper KS2 Year 6 Year 5/6 Year 5


Within each class the teaching and learning will vary from whole class teaching to group work – either independently or under the direction of an adult – and children working individually. Teachers will group children for some activities by ability and work will be adapted according to the ability of individual children.

Our pattern of organisation allows staff and children to work closely together in their Phase groups. Planning across a phase group eg UKS2 (Upper Key Stage 2) allows staff to stretch able children and support those who take a little longer. Team work amongst staff allows them to teach to strengths and to use each other’s strengths and talents when planning. Age is the deciding factor in class allocation. We cater for ability within each class.