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School Uniform

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Plain white cotton polo shirt, royal blue school sweatshirt, grey trousers, short or long, plain coloured socks, plain black shoes. No gel on hair. 


Plain white cotton polo shirt, royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan, grey skirt, trousers or pinafore – pleated or plain. White socks, blue/white check/striped summer dress, black shoes. Neutral coloured material or simple plastic hair bands if necessary. We discourage hair bands that may injure others. 


As we are a learning outside the classroom school, we ask for children to wear different shoes when inside. Plain black plimsolls are usual; we may accept other footwear if your child has foot problems. Mules, clogs or slippers are not allowed. We expect footwear to be of a sensible dark colour that will complement our school uniform and request that school shoes are worn, not boots. 


The wearing of jewellery is not permitted in school. We insist that children with pierced ears wear a plain gold, silver or pearl stud in the base of their ear lobe. This must be removed for P.E. 

Sun protection

During the warmer weather the children are welcome to wear sun hats or caps. If your child is very sensitive to the sun, you may wish to consider applying a long-lasting sun lotion before sending them into school. Please do not send in suntan lotion as we are unable to put it on children ourselves. 

PE Kit

The following items are required by children for physical education: 


Black plain shorts or skort, plain yellow polo shirt or tee shirt (preferably with Wheatcroft logo). Plimsolls or bare feet. 


Black plain shorts, skort or black tracksuit bottoms, plain yellow polo shirt or tee shirt (preferably with Wheatcroft logo). Black Jumper or tracksuit, or Wheatcroft jumper/cardigan. Trainers.  

A slipper bag with a drawstring or a small sports bag should be provided to hold articles of PE clothing. We cannot store large bags in school. We insist on a drawstring bag for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

All children are required to take part in Physical Education, which includes both indoor and outdoor activities. There is no choice in this matter whatsoever. Obviously, if you as a parent feel that your child is unfit to participate on a particular day, then a note should be sent along explaining this.